Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Supporting Missions

Contributor: John Book III

    The moment I hear the word missionary, another word always pops up in my head. That word is calling. Anyone who has chosen the path of ministry knows what I am talking about, but not all of us work in ministry. So the reason I say calling is because as much of a choice it was for me to have ignored my calling, it would be as ignorant as Jonah  when he ignored God and his calling. Yes, he ignored it at first and even tried to run away from it, but eventually he went. Much like my situation, I tried to ignore Gods calling in my life to minister to the Apache Indians in Arizona, but I eventually followed God's calling and I went. By the grace of God I am still here.
    Missions is a special kind of ministry. Everyday brings a different kind of challenge. Everyday the schedule is different. I promise you that I have not had the same day twice. This kind of ministry brings a difficult way of supporting myself. This is the job I have chosen and have been called to do, but the only way I can do this kind of work is through the generous support of individuals and churches who believe in the work God is doing here.
    Without support, missions would be hard pressed to exist. I know in my case, without support, I would not be where I am now. I'm pretty sure that would be the case in any other mission. Without support we could not do what we do- and I am not just talking about financial support. I am going to be honest with you, money is a big part of the support, but I know some people can not afford it. In today's economy it's hard enough to live and support yourself, but prayers do not cost anything but time. It seems the more I go to different churches, I see that we have started lose our faith in how powerful prayer can be. I did not say that we have stopped praying, but some Christians seem to downgrade prayer. Prayer is a very powerful weapon that we as the Church have at our disposal, and its high time we start to use it a little more.
    I think I speak for all missionaries when I say this: if it is difficult to support us financially, then please support us prayerfully. Even if you can support us financially, please also support us prayerfully. When I get a check in the mail to support what I do I thank God for the gift, but something that gives me goosebumps is getting messages on Facebook or emails saying that I am being prayed for. That to me is just as important.
    So please pray for those missionaries in the field, if it is just picking one mission a month, please pray. If you are not sure which one to pray for, pray for my mission: Apache Youth Ministries. We minister to the Apache Indians in Whiteriver, Arizona. And if you have been blessed beyond your means and you want to take an extra step to support Gods Church beyond the four walls of a chapel or auditorium, then please financially support a mission. I will also say, that if you have never been on a missions trip, then I urge you to do so. It will be one of the most rewarding things you have ever done, I guarantee it!

Your brother in Christ,
John Book III
Apache Youth Ministries

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