Friday, February 22, 2013

Impacting the Kingdom

Contributor: Megan Tucker

To be completely honest, when I was asked to write a post on how to impact the Kingdom as an individual stuck in the middle of being not quite a kid, but not quite an adult either, I wanted to say no.

My gut reaction was a screaming, resounding “absolutely not” because my first thought was “I don’t even do this, how can I write about it?”

For that brief moment, I listened to those discouraging, lying words that the Enemy spoke right into my ears.

You want to impact the Kingdom right where you are?  Don’t listen to Satan.  Don’t give any weight to anything that the Enemy whispers in your ears. 

You and I?  We are in this weird place in life where we desperately want to believe, and have others believe, that we are hot stuff and capable of doing great things for the Kingdom.  We want to be told that one day we will make a difference and that one day we will be able to look back and point to all the great things we did in life.  We want to point back at our careers, families, and accomplishments.

The only thing is, most of those big life-marker things happen after college.

Here’s a secret:  I’m impacting the Kingdom, and I haven’t even graduated from FCC yet.  If I believe that my big accomplishments and proud moments and game-changing decisions won’t come until after college, I’m just wasting my time.  If I believe that I will not make a difference until I have a piece of paper with some letters after my name, I won’t work for the Kingdom right where I am.

Satan will do whatever he can to get us to a place of discouragement, apathy, and contentment.  He tells us that we can’t do anything to impact the Kingdom right now because we’re not adults.  He tells us that there is someone more talented, more passionate, more capable than us.  He tells us we have nothing to offer.

Friend, he’s lying.  You have got so much to offer.  You’ve got time, and energy, and I’m sure that there is something you are passionate about.  You’ve got ears and eyes and maybe even hands and feet.  You are capable of much.

Want to make an impact in the Kingdom right where you are?  Open up those eyes and tune in those ears to the people around you.  Really see and hear what’s going on in their lives.  Most people just want someone to show that they care.  Most people just want to be heard.  Most people just want a friend. 

When you give another person your time, you tell them, without words, that they are worth it.  You tell them that they are important, and valued, and that what they have to say matters.  When you tell someone that they are important, valued, and that their words matter, they begin to believe it and live like it.  As they go and live knowing their values, they will go and in turn tell others that they have value.  When we know our value and our worth, we become confident in ourselves and our God.  When we become confident, we become bold.  When we become bold, things happen and lives change.

Want to make an impact on the Kingdom right where you are?  Offer your services.  Do you play music?  Find a venue in which you can share your talent with others.  Here at FCC, we have weekly chapels and coffee shops and are always in need of musicians to lead worship.  Are you good with children?  Why not offer to babysit for a professor or a family in your church?  Who knows, their night off could be the only chance they have to recharge.  They may come home refreshed from a night off from the kids and be more patient and gentle with them the next day.  Do you have a compassionate heart?  Find a place to volunteer at, like a homeless shelter, or a nursing home, or whatever it is that makes your heart ache to help. 

In offering your services for the benefit of others, you provide space for both yourself and the other person to grow, learn, and care for one another.  In offering your services to another, you are again sharing the message that they are valued.  What happens when people believe their value?  They live like it.

You have value.  You are good at something.  And, if you aren’t good at something, I’m more than willing to bet that there is something that you really, truly love to do.  I bet there is something that makes your heart beat a little bit faster and causes your eyes to light up. 

Do that.

Do that and share it with the people around you.  Don’t keep it hidden for yourself. 

Want to impact the Kingdom?  Offer your life as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.  Be above reproach.  Be excellent at what is good.  Cast away your idols.  Take up your cross, daily.  Don’t just say you love Jesus, believe Jesus, follow Jesus -- really live like you mean it.  Stop tearing your brothers and sisters down.  Stop complaining. 

Want to make an impact for the Kingdom right now?

Live as the child of God that you are.
Know who Christ says you are, and be that person.

You are a part of a royal priesthood. 

You are dearly loved, highly favored, and greatly blessed.

Live like it.

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